• info@cyclamenlb.org
  • 00961 1 251 915


Impact of the Cooperation with the Lebanese Government On the Technical Training Field

At Cyclamen NGO, we understand the importance of partnerships and collaborations in achieving our mission of improving the lives of children and young adults. We believe that by working closely with the Lebanese Government, specifically through the Ministry of Labor and the National Employment Office (NEO), we can have a greater impact in the technical training field.

Since 2009, we have had a productive and successful partnership with the Lebanese Government, through the Ministry of Labor and the NEO. This partnership has enabled us to provide high-quality technical training to a large number of students of different ages, with the goal of creating sustainable employment opportunities for them.

The cooperation has included:

  • Developing and implementing training programs in various technical fields.
  • Providing students with the necessary resources and equipment to acquire the knowledge and skills required to excel in their chosen field.
  • Establishing partnerships with local and international companies to provide on-the-job training opportunities and job placements for the graduates.
  • Providing follow-up and support services to ensure the graduates’ success in their chosen field and to track their progress over time.

The results of this cooperation have been significant, with many of the graduates finding sustainable employment opportunities and distinguished ones have been hired by several companies. This partnership has not only helped to improve the lives of the individuals who have participated in the training programs, but it has also had a positive impact on the broader community by promoting economic development and social inclusion.

We believe that this partnership has been a great success and we will continue to work closely with the Lebanese Government, through the Ministry of Labor and the NEO, to provide high-quality technical training and create sustainable employment opportunities for the youth in Lebanon.

Prevention of Social Media Addiction

At Cyclamen NGO, we understand the growing concerns about the impact of social media addiction on individuals and society. We believe that by raising awareness about the dangers of addiction to social media sites and providing the necessary support, we can help limit the proliferation of this phenomenon.

Social media addiction is characterized by excessive use of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to the extent that it interferes with other aspects of everyday life. This can include problems with relationships, productivity, mental health, and physical well-being.

To address this issue, we have made it our mission to raise awareness about the dangers of social media addiction and provide support to those who may be affected by it. Our approach includes:

  • Developing educational campaigns and programs that provide information about the risks and warning signs of social media addiction.
  • Providing counseling and support services for individuals who may be struggling with social media addiction. This can include one-on-one counseling, support groups, and specialized treatment programs.
  • Collaborating with schools, universities, and other organizations to promote healthy social media use and prevent addiction.
  • Researching and monitoring the latest trends, best practices, and effective interventions to combat social media addiction.

We believe that by raising awareness about the dangers of social media addiction and providing support to those who may be affected by it, we can help limit the proliferation of this phenomenon and promote healthy social media use.

It’s also important to note that our approach will be evidence-based and will be conducted in an ethical and respectful manner, also it will be inclusive and respectful of diversity. We will also collaborate with other organizations, experts, and stakeholders in the field to ensure that our approach is effective and comprehensive.

Fighting Drug Abuse

At Cyclamen NGO, we understand the serious and growing problem of drug abuse and its impact on individuals and society. We believe that by providing rehabilitation services to addicts and raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse, we can help mitigate and reduce this phenomenon.

Drug abuse can have a wide range of negative effects on an individual’s health, well-being, and relationships, as well as on the community as a whole. The number of drug abusers is increasing over the years, and it’s important to take action to address this issue.

To this end, we have made it our mission to fight drug abuse by:

  • Establishing rehabilitation centers that provide comprehensive and evidence-based treatment services to individuals struggling with drug addiction. These services may include individual and group counseling, therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare support.
  • Developing and implementing social awareness campaigns that educate the public about the risks and effects of drug abuse, and how to identify and support individuals who may be struggling with addiction.
  • Collaborating with other organizations and experts in the field to provide a comprehensive and coordinated response to drug abuse, including prevention, treatment, and harm reduction programs.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our interventions and adapting our approach as needed to ensure that we are making a positive impact on the issue of drug abuse.

We believe that by providing rehabilitation services to addicts and raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse, we can help mitigate and reduce this phenomenon, and make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities affected by drug addiction.

It’s important to note that our approach will be evidence-based, and will respect the privacy and dignity of the individuals who seek our services. We will also collaborate with other organizations and experts in the field to ensure that our approach is effective and comprehensive.

Tackling The Unemployment Issue

At Cyclamen NGO, we understand the significant impact of unemployment on individuals and communities in Lebanon. High unemployment rates can lead to poverty, social exclusion, and a lack of economic opportunities. We believe that by providing education and training opportunities, we can help citizens gain the skills and knowledge they need to access employment opportunities and improve their lives.

To tackle the unemployment issue, we have made it our mission to:

  • Develop and implement training programs in various fields such as IT, engineering, vocational trades, and other in-demand skills, that will prepare citizens for job opportunities.
  • Partnering with local and international companies to provide job placements, internships, and on-the-job training opportunities for the program graduates.
  • Offering career guidance and counseling services to help individuals identify and pursue career paths that align with their interests, skills, and goals.
  • Providing follow-up and support services to ensure the graduates’ success in their chosen field and to track their progress over time.

We believe that by providing education and training opportunities, we can help citizens gain the skills and knowledge they need to access employment opportunities, and improve their lives. Our programs will be tailored to the specific needs of the communities we serve, and will be implemented in collaboration with local organizations and community leaders.